Just Some Of Our Happy Patients

Read Our Happy Patients' Success Stories Below!

"It takes time to get better"

"I have had pain in my lower back for 1 & 1/2 years. I couldn't stand for very long. I have gone for physical therapy, taken pain medications and gone to a chiropractor. I felt that the chiropractor I was going to was not helping. The office that I work for was getting requests from Gill Family Chiropractic, so I decided to give it a try. Dr. Gill has helped improve my back. I have less pain, can stand for longer and can do more activities."

- Parminderjit C.

"This care is beneficial for everyone's health"

"For 5 years I have had low back pain. I have been experiencing tightness and a lack of mobility. I also have 2 herniated discs. I enjoy outside activities, sports and working out, but sometimes my conditions would limit me (depending on the activity). I have tried other chiropractic care before. Dr. Gill was recommended to me by midwives. Dr. Gill was able to help release tension in my back and I was able to gain mobility. I now have less tenderness and tightness and am much more mobile."

- Kara C.

"Go out and take care of yourselves"

"I used to enjoy working out, playing football and going for hikes, but my back would always cause me pain. I tried using pain creams, but they weren't really working. My cousin told me how chiropractic care helped her out.

Dr. Gill set a schedule for me to get adjusted and provided workouts to help my back. With Dr. Gill's help, and following the steps she suggested for my back, my pain has improved."

- Jesus A.

"Don't hesitate to try chiropractic care"

"I was experiencing lower back and pubic bone pain while I was pregnant. The pain was present for most of the day, especially after walking or standing for too long. It was hard just keeping up with my toddler. I would have to sit down more while I was in pain. Resting was no longer working.

I found Gill Family Chiropractic online after reading that Webster chiropractic can help with VBAC. Dr. Gill was able to help me connect with my body and learn to listen to it more. She helped me feel less tension and pain in certain areas during my pregnancy, and to feel more energetic. With chiropractic care you will be more in tune with your body and feel much better in your day-to-day activities."

- Lisa T.

"Take time for yourself to take care of your body"

"I had mid-back, low back and tailbone pain going on for more than 5 years from a micro-trauma. I suffered from SPD with a previous pregnancy. I am a teacher and a mom. I was often exhausted, overwhelmed and in pain. I tried to just deal with it, but I was no longer able to.

I read some reviews online and found Gill Family Chiropractic. Dr. Gill helped me manage the pain naturally and gave me the tools to help manage the pain at home. She also helped me create better habits. I now feel more rested and my back pain has improved."

- Kellie L.

"Prepare your body…like you would a marathon"

"Being a teacher during distance learning was tough. Sitting for extended times caused a lot of lower back and sacral pain during my pregnancy. I tried sitting in different positions to help relieve the pain, and I informed my midwives. They recommended Dr. Gill to me.

Dr. Gill's chiropractic care helped relieve most of the sacral pain; my lower back pain was minimal as well. I can now sit for longer periods of time without pain and enjoy my hobbies, teaching, exercising and going for walks.

Birth is a marathon. Chiropractic is a wonderful way to prepare for it, along with exercise. I had a great birth experience."

- Analisa C.

"Thank you, Dr. Gill"

"I had very bad lower back pain and was taking painkillers to manage my pain. My son-in-law suggested chiropractic care for help. With the help of Dr. Gill, my lower back pain is gone. She helped to align my spine so that my body could heal itself without medication or surgery. Dr. Gill helped to get rid of my back pain. I am now able to do my normal house chores easily and my hobbies, cooking, reading and watching T.V. without any pain."

- Harjeet K.

"Give chiropractic care a chance"

"Ever since I was in a car accident 5 years ago, I have suffered from headaches and pain in my low back, upper neck, base of skull and spine. I used to enjoy working out, reading and doing embroidering, but I was not able to lift as much or look down as much because of the pain. I tried physical therapy and trigger point injections.

I found Dr. Gill while I was researching online. She helped allow my body to heal properly. I am now able to lift more often and can read and embroider longer with less discomfort. I encourage others, even if you've tried everything else, to be willing to give chiropractic care a chance."

- Lisa M.

"The treatment plan is working great"

"I had been experiencing back pain for 2 weeks, I twisted it while pushing a box. I spoke to my doctor and was prescribed medications, with no other treatment. While doing an internet search for Lathrop chiropractors, I found Gill Family Chiropractic.

Dr. Gill reviewed my x-rays and took my input into account. She then put together a treatment plan for me. I would encourage others to ask questions and be part of your treatment plan, because in time, you will have a great outcome."

- Clayton G.

"There is help"

"For over 2 years, I was suffering from back, neck and rib pain, resulting from a trauma. I used to go hiking and biking, but my knee and hip pain cut a lot of that out of my life. My pain made me stop hiking and biking as much as I would like. I tried stretching and even saw a chiropractor for help. Then I was referred to Dr. Gill by a good friend.

Dr. Gill helped improve the pain in all areas of my body. She has also helped with improving my depression/anxiety. My flexibility and overall mood have changed a lot.

You don't need to let pain, depression/anxiety rule your life. There is help without medications, through chiropractic care."

- McKenzie L.

"Don't live with pain any longer… come see Dr. Gill"

"I have had mid-back and lower back pain for as long as I can remember. I lift weights, play basketball, box and play video games. I hadn't tried to do anything for the pain but exercise. Then I found Gill Family Chiropractic online.

Dr. Gill helped me learn so much about the benefits of chiropractic care. She helped to relieve me of my pain. My mobility and health have improved so much."

- Michael V.

"It's never too late to start putting your health first"

"I have scoliosis. I've known about my condition since high school. I started experiencing back pain throughout college. I enjoy gardening, but my back would ache while working short periods of time. I tried massage therapy and acupuncture to help with the pain. I learned about Dr. Gill through Central Valley Natural Parenting Group.

Dr. Gill helped improve my overall quality of life. Thanks to the chiropractic care I have received from Dr. Gill, I now experience little to no pain."

- Jennifer M.

"Chiropractic care has improved my pregnancy experience"

"While I was pregnant, I started to experience swelling and severe pain in my lower back and pubic bone. I was unable to exercise as before and I could not play with my son because it was too painful. I didn't seek any professional help, just some at home stretches. My midwife suggested I see Dr. Gill.

Dr. Gill relieved my pain significantly and helped me focus on all of the positives of my pregnancy. She helped with my pain and now I have increased energy. I am now able to move around more and am in a better mood. I encourage others to seek chiropractic help, especially during pregnancy because until he/she arrives, your body is your baby's home."

- Vanessa H.

"Do not waste time visiting other chiropractors"

"Cycling is a hobby of mine, but I was not able to cycle for 6 months. I was experiencing very bad pain in my lower back, due to commuting every day. I visited a local chiropractor for help, but I had a terrible experience. My girlfriend is a patient of Gill Family Chiropractic and she suggested I see Dr. Gill.

Dr. Gill was extremely helpful with getting me back to my everyday routines. Dr. Gill was very thorough, and her treatment was most effective. She provided relief from radiating pain down my leg. Chiropractic care has helped with improving my strength and confidence to get back on my bike. Thank you!"

- Jeremy L.

"Follow the schedule, it's worth the time"

"When my daughter, Caroline, started having pain in her legs, back and neck, I tried using bath bombs and Epsom salt soaks to help relieve the pain. Then, I brought her to Dr. Gill, whom I receive care from as well.

Dr. Gill helped to provide mindfulness and relief. My daughter's pain is not as frequent, and she is more content at night. Thanks to Dr. Gill, Caroline can get back to running, riding her bike and scooter, and playing soccer."

- Loralee E. (mom)

"[Don't] wait to see a chiropractor"

"A couple of days after birth, I noticed that my baby was having trouble turning his head to the right when nursing. I knew I needed someone's help who specialized in treating babies. I found Dr. Gill on the ICPA website.

After an extensive evaluation, Dr. Gill started him on a treatment plan with frequent visits. His adjustments were focused on his neck. Now when he looks at objects, he looks both ways and his overall mobility has improved so much. Now our nursing sessions are longer, and he is a lot less fussy.

If your baby can do things easily on one side but not the other, or if you feel like your baby isn't reaching their milestones, go in for a consult. It's amazing how much has improved in such a short time!"

- Arianna P. (mom)

"Consistency is key to relief"

"For 3 years my scoliosis had been causing severe pain in my upper back. I had tried physical therapy and chiropractic care for help in the past. I enjoy spending time with my son, but it was hard being in pain and not having the energy to hang out with him.

I found Dr. Gill through a Google search. Her recommendations of adjustments and exercises have helped with my pain. Now, my pain is almost non-existent. I can sleep better and enjoy my day to day better."

- Astrit G.

"It's about treating the cause, not the consequences"

"I used to do jigsaw puzzles, but due to headaches, I was unable to do them anymore. The pain would occasionally come and go. Before my pregnancy, I had taken medication, because my headaches and neck pain were very severe. In my first trimester, I reached out to Dr. Gill, as I was no longer able to take Ibuprofen during pregnancy.

Dr. Gill did the adjustments that helped with the headaches and neck pain. I have significantly improved; my pain is completely gone! I encourage everyone not to just use medications and not to ignore the pain."

- Aleksandra D.

"Take the time to take care of yourself"

"I had a pain in my upper back that wouldn't go away and was feeling generally achy all over. I hadn't done much to help with pain until my child's therapist suggested Dr. Gill.

Dr. Gill frequently checked, before and after each session, to make sure I did not leave in pain. She also taught me lots of helpful exercises to do at home. The wobble cushion is a game changer. I'm so glad she recommended it. I am feeling much better now and am glad I came to Gill Family Chiropractic. I wish I had done it sooner."

- Ana H.

"If you're suffering from back or neck pain, see Dr. Gill"

"I used to suffer from severe pain in my neck and lower back. I tried using ice and pain medications. Then I looked on Google to find a chiropractor for treatment and I found Dr. Gill.

Dr. Gill's treatment plan has given me more mobility and has eased my pain and stiffness. Now that I have better mobility and less pain, I can get back to my hobbies, walking, soccer and automotive repair."

- Alawi A.

"Reach out for help"

"Cooking and working out are hobbies of mine, but the pain I was experiencing in my neck and low back made it a little hard to do them. I tried icing and resting, then eventually searched the internet for help and found Dr. Gill. She helped me to relieve the pain I felt. I now have little to no pain in my lower back and neck. I encourage others to reach out for help, because there is always someone that can help."

- Haylie A.

"The chiropractor may have answers for everything"

"My hobbies are driving, playing sports and working out, but I have been suffering from upper and lower back issues, caused by a car accident. My uncle is a chiropractor and has given me care before. I have tried to get past it, but the pain was still present. I started being treated by Dr. Gill. She understood my situation and provided the best care possible. My back and spine have improved tremendously, including my posture."

- Amier A.

"You will love it"

"There is a pain that was present in my back for over 2 years. I don't know what caused it, but it prevented me from doing one of my hobbies, gardening, without pain. I tried doing physical therapy, but I needed more help. My family recommended Dr. Gill. She is awesome! Dr. Gill looked at everything from top to bottom. She gave me exercises, stretches and therapy to do at home. Thanks to Dr. Gill's care, I have improved greatly. I have no pain at all! Give her a try!"

- Maninder P.

"The first time that I considered prenatal chiropractic care was when I was 36 weeks pregnant with my second child. My first pregnancy was easy, but ended in a C‑Section. This second pregnancy I was suffering from symphysis pubis dysfunction (SPD), which caused severe pubic bone and bilateral hip pain and I wanted to experience a VBAC delivery. The SPD pain became so intense that I struggled to walk and was fearful that I wouldn’t be able to manage labor and a vaginal delivery. A stranger heard me discussing my SPD pain and she recommended that I consult with a Webster certified Chiropractor. After doing online research, I decided to give it a try and found Dr. Gill.

The initial exam pinpointed several issues/compensations I was making due to the pain and normal pregnancy changes. We discussed my plan of care, my goals of reducing pain and having a VBAC, as well as how Dr. Gill could support me through labor (with exercises) and postpartum (with healing). I noticed an improvement after my first adjustment and I was so thankful for the continued pain relief and ease of mobility that followed.

I went into labor naturally at 39 weeks and had an un-medicated VBAC approximately six hours later. Chiropractic care with a Webster certified Chiropractor made my VBAC possible. Chiropractic care with Dr. Gill and her continued support made the end of my pregnancy and postpartum adjustments stress free! Did I mention that kids are welcome at appointments? Such a relief for a mom with a toddler and a newborn!"

- Katie S.

"My third pregnancy caused daily posterior pelvic and bilateral hip pain since early in my second trimester. The pain was impeding my sleep, my work, my family time and recreation. I was regularly weighing my daily activities through the lens of actual or anticipated (potential) pain. I tried massage. Then, I was introduced to Dr. Gill at a Modesto Birth & Beyond Doula Services event. Dr. Gill thoroughly reviewed my health history and assessed my health and body. Each visit she addressed my “problem areas” via an adjustment. Thanks to Dr. Gill, I now have tools I can use at home to help my condition. In combination with regular adjustments, my pain has significantly improved and as well as my mobility. My overall quality of life is better. If you are experiencing musculoskeletal discomfort, whether pregnancy related or not, do yourself a favor and invest in your health by committing to chiropractic care. Self-care is essential and chiropractic is a very beneficial means of taking care of your body."

- Lindzi P.

"For years I have had neck, back, shoulder, and hip pain from several car accidents and injuries. Sometimes the pain would prevent me from being able to move my neck, turn my head, or even bend down to tie my shoes. Walking, working out, reading, crafting, water sports all used to be affected because of pain some where in my body. I had tried massage, stretching, yoga, and muscle relaxers. I met Dr. Gill through our children’s baseball team. Dr. Gill fixed so much more than the pain in my back and neck. She cleared up referred pain in my shoulders by using chiropractic on my spine. Sinus issues, headaches, migraines, and allergies used to be an issue. Thanks to the extensive knowledge of chiropractic that Dr. Gill has given me, I know that those issues are gone because of my spinal care. I am able to resume my activities without fear of pain. I encourage others to get adjusted for your overall health. Chiropractic helps in so many unexpected wonderful ways."

- Lisa H.

"I was experiencing constant severe neck and lower back pain with no idea what caused it.  Was it my four kids? On bad days my pain was 8-9 out of 10. I enjoy crocheting, writing and reading. All of these activities involve sitting with my head down and work that I couldn’t do sometimes. I tried going to Kaiser but they only wanted to prescribe narcotics. They wouldn’t even do an x-ray. I met Dr. Gill at the Pumpkin Festival. Dr. Gill listened, learned about my body, and gave me tools to help at home to reinforce the care that I am getting in the office. I am sleeping better. I no longer get daily headaches or neck pain. I was terrified to go to a doctor but I feel new and am nowhere near as good as I will be when my treatment is complete. I feel like I got my life back."

- Misty A.

"My son was diagnosed with benign infantile epilepsy at four months of age. Besides Western medicine I’ve sought out CST therapy. I found Dr. Gill through a Facebook group. Her chiropractic care helped relieve tension in his neck from a previous diagnosis of torticollis. His sleep has improved and he is now able to sleep on both sides."

- Jennifer M. (Mom)

"I had hip and neck pain. I enjoy walking, but it was painful at the end of the day. I had tried physical therapy once. I found Dr. Gill through an online Google search. She realigned my neck and back and helped strengthen, stretch my hips. I now walk without a limp and the numbness in my arm is gone. I encourage others to be open and honest with their needs and stick with it."

- Loralee E.

"I was in a car accident, which left me with back pain that lasted most of the day, everyday. I just dealt with the pain, occasionally taking pain relievers to enjoy my hobbies: hiking and archery. A friend who was under Dr. Rosy’s care referred me. Dr. Rosy adjusted me, locating the center of my pain and focused on those areas. My back pain has tremendously decreased from every day 10 out of 10 pain to a maximum of 3 out of 10 pain. Don’t be afraid to look for help to try and better your health. I was skeptical at first, but am so grateful I found Dr. Rosy."

- Gabriela G.

"I had a pain in my neck and back due to severe misalignment from my jaw, neck, and lower back. I had tried Icy Hot, massages, and bone doctors. My pain interfered with watching TV and spending time with my family and friends. I found Dr. Gill via an online Google search for Lathrop chiropractors. Dr. Gill diagnosed the cause of my pain and the root problem and I have improved. I encourage others to Take Care of Yourself!"

- Vicky A.

"For five years, my son has had hip pain due to sports. I had tried doctors appointments, stretching and massage for him. A friend referred me to Dr. Gill. Chiropractic has given him more pain relief. He finds it is easier to run (less choppy) and walking is less painful. Trying chiropractic can give you relief from pain allowing you to enjoy simple walking all the way to pushing hard in sports."

- Emily B. (Mom)

"I had a transverse baby at 34 weeks. I had tried some spinning babies positions. Chiropractic care was really our first choice. I found Dr. Gill via an online search.  Dr. Gill not only helped in the office with proper alignment, she also provided so many resources and things to do at home between visits. My baby is now head down! We truly believe the work that was done here helped us to have a head down baby as well as resolution of some underlying neck and back pain. Dr. Gill has always gone above and beyond!"

- Erin G.

"I had a stiff neck that lasted a week but I didn’t know what caused it. I couldn’t do anything! I literally had to turn my whole body to look left. I tried massage and heat/ice packs. I was referred to Dr. Gill and she performed a miracle! I have full rotation with NO PAIN. If your treatment plan is followed, your overall health WILL improve."

- Carrie G.

"Dr. Gill is very personalized in her care. She takes the time with you as a person and reviews your medical history before putting her hands on you. She explains everything to you from the beginning to the end and what she intends to include in the care plan. She is truly a wonderful chiropractor and an even better person. I thought I had the best with my top medical health care. No one was helping me and I turn to chiropractor help. I was so happy with the relief I was able to gain. Dr Gill is truly an amazing person and chiropractor. You will not go wrong with her care."

- Cara B.

"Dr. Gill offers very personalized care. She takes the time to go in depth with your medical history as well as looking at updated x-rays before starting a care plan. She explains everything she intends to include in the care plan with great detail.

I used Dr. Gill throughout my entire pregnancy, and I remained mobile, completing a rigorous four month yoga teacher training course while teaching English full time in the classroom.

She started seeing my daughter the week she was born after a very rough delivery. I can't wait to see the progress my daughter has made in a year."

- Jessica D.

"Dr. Gill truly cares about each of her patient’s long term wellness. She is passionate about her field and delivering true care - this is refreshing to find. Wellness from within can be a very different journey vs. traditional medicine.  Dr. Gill is genuinely there to help and educate her patients while working with patients at their pace. Our family highly recommends Gill Family Chiropractic!"

- Melanie C.

"Dr. Gill has been a true blessing! She helped me tremendously in my last trimester of pregnancy and now cares for me and my children. She has been wonderful, always offering to educate, research, and go out of her way to be helpful and bring light to whatever the situation maybe, she is full of knowledge. Dr. Gill is wonderful!"

- Sharan K.

"I down right feared the idea of a chiropractor before breaking down and coming here. I was a skeptic. After 4 kids, military life, and a desk job my back is not the best. Actually it was so bad I couldn’t even get a full night sleep because of the endless pain.

Since starting treatment with Dr Gill I have seen such vast improvement. I don’t hurt all the time, I can sleep and work and be a mom. This was the best decision I ever made. Dr Gill has given me the tools to get better and I feel like she cares and listens to me.

There are still a lot of months left before I am back to my best self, but in just two months she has changed my life.

- Misty A. 

"Dr. Gill is by far the best chiropractor I have had the pleasure of meeting. I love her holistic approach. She doesn't just take care of you physically but emotionally as well. She is always there for you when you need her. She is absolutely the best!"

- Lucero L.

"I moved to Lathrop in the Spring of 2019 and finding a Chiropractor that could continue to support my continued wellness plan was very important to me. I reached out to 3 local Chiropractors, and Dr. Gill was the only one that followed up with a personal phone call to me. After about a thirty minute conversation I felt so comfortable and could not wait to meet her for my consultation.  I was very happy with my consultation and Dr. Gill’s suggested treatment plan. I felt heard and we worked out a treatment plan that I have been so happy with.

Today was my 12th adjustment and I am so happy to be under Dr. Gill’s care.

With my work schedule and commuting, Dr Gill has always been able to work with my schedule. She always puts my care first. She is wonderful.

If you are looking for Chiropractic care, or needing a change I highly suggest calling Dr. Gill , your body will thank you!"

- Brenda N.

"Dr. Gill is amazing!! Dr. Rosy Gill is by far the best Chiropractor that I've ever seen!
She takes her time to understand the whole picture not just your symptoms.  She truly cares about you and your health. I have suffered with back and neck pain for years and just accepted it as part of life. Now with Dr. Gill’s care I have learned that life doesn’t have to be painful all the time. I live more than an hour away but I still come to see her every week. Thank you Dr. Gill!"

- Michael T.

"I "stumbled upon" Dr. Gill when I was researching for a nearest a chiropractor who is Webster Technique certified.

Full disclosure, my official adjustment sessions have not started yet but I felt confident and compelled to write a glowing 5 reviews after two visits I've had so far.

The first visit was mostly with Lisa at the front desk then with Dr. Gill. By far, this was the most comprehensive questionnaire I've had from any chiropractors. Lisa was very thorough and understanding it made me open up to her about my unnecessary life stories too.

After about an hour session of gathering all info, Dr. Gill came in and asked more questions and explained how her practice is run. She didn't have to be too detailed because I've been seeing a chiropractor for a while now. I knew subluxations and other "basic" things. She explained about Webster Technique in details so I had a better understanding of how that is done.

Today, I had my intake exam and I have been so impressed. Dr. Gill was so thorough! I did have very thorough chiropractors in the past but not like Dr.Gill. She also listened to what I have to say during each exam so she knew my limits and how she could adjust me better. I loved that she explained what she was doing while she was examining me. When she was doing the exam, Dr. Gill knew if I would be in pain or not even before I told her I'm feeling pressure/tension/soreness/discomfort. She was able to identify what was going on just by feeling my muscle and my spine.

Another thing I loved is that Dr. Gill wanted my husband to come for a hands on teaching to help me throughout my pregnancy.

I still have to be back for my review/result and treatment plan but all in all I am so impressed and happy!"

- Esther P.

"Amazing Family Chiropractor! She is a delight, authentic and caring person. Highly recommend her for your chiropractic concerns. Dr. Rosy will definitely speak for you."

- Sandra E. (Mom)

"I was having neck, upper trapezius, mid back and low back pain for seven years.  My pain was caused by childhood spinal tap and accident in high school where I slipped and fell down school buys.  I found Dr. Gill through an online search for female chiropractors.  My pain interfered with my outdoor hobbies and exercises such as yoga, making artwork and photography.  I was not active, stayed indoors a lot and was constantly exhausted and struggling with discomfort.  Dr. Gill relieved my pain, helped with clarity and awareness, and helped with muscle discomfort.  Dr. Gill automatically makes you feel welcomed; she cares about knowing your history and problem areas.  She uses this knowledge to know how to better help you, through adjustments and sessions personalized to you and your body.  Give Chiroparctic a chance, it is natural, and can make an incredible difference in your life and livelihood."

- Alexis P.

"My girlfriend was the one who found Dr. Gill on yelp after she hurt her back from bending over in the kitchen.  A few weeks later I got into a car accident and started to have hip soreness on top of already having back pain.  Three weeks after the car accident, I went to the Dell Osso Family Farm, where I tried the Rat Roller.  I fell out of the Rat Roller and that’s where I severely hurt my back.  By the end of the night, it was impossible to move at all, afraid that my back would spaze up.  I couldn’t walk without the using crutches and even then, I could only drag my feet at best.  After getting x-ray and having Dr. Gill take a look at the results,  I had a pinched nerve at L2 and rotated T4 and T5.  Just in TWO DAYS! Dr. Gill was able to get me back on my feet and walking again.  I trusted Dr. Gill to work her magic, especially seeing it first hand with my girlfriend who was just in bad shape from all her years work behind a desk.  I highly recommend Dr. Gill to anyone who is considering seeing a chiropractor or anyone who is in critical condition, like myself.  I cannot be thankful enough to have known a chiropractor who is serious about her profession and genuinely cares for her patients."

- Manny E. 

"I am a 51 year old female and too young to be dealing with the excruciating lower back pain that I started experiencing at the end of August. There was not a certain incident that caused the pain to start. It just started happening one morning. I had to miss days of work because the pain was so bad that I could barely walk, sit or stand. I would be in tears when I would move a certain way and the pain would shoot from my lower back to my shoulders. I did not want to go to my medical doctor because I knew he would only give me muscle relaxers and tell me to stay off of it. As the only bread winner in our home, I could not afford to miss more work. I googled a chiropractor close to my work, in hopes that I could be seen on my lunch break and not have to miss anymore work if possible. I left a message for Dr Gill. She called me back within minutes and scheduled my appt for the following day. Dr Gill is very thorough and explains everything every step of the process. I could tell after my first visit with her that she truly cares about her patients and their well being. She provided me with the detailed homework I needed to do on my end for this entire process to work. We had to work as a team in order to get my health back up to par. It is now the beginning of October and I feel great! I will continue my regular adjustments with her even when I feel good. I don’t ever want to feel that pain again. I am so blessed to have found Dr Gill."

- Karen M.

"Dr. Rosy is amazing! I was about 30 weeks pregnant or so when I found her, and thank goodness I did! I was in so much pain. My lower back/hips hurt so much, and nothing I did helped to make it better. My OB told me there was nothing I could do but take Tylenol. I teach yoga, and have 3 other kids, and a home to take care of, and I just couldn’t keep up and I knew I had to do something to take care of myself, because with the way things were going, I didn’t know how I was going to make it the next couple months! I knew I could get the results I needed if I found the right chiropractor, certified to treat pregnant ladies, I could get the relief I needed.

That’s when I found Dr. Rosy. She’s Webster certified, so she knows how to treat pregnant women. She’s so sweet and listens to my concerns. My hips are in much better shape, I can do so much more and keep up with my daily activities. Thank you so much, Dr. Rosy!"

- Mary K.

"I was experiencing excruciating lower back pain while I was about five months pregnant with my second child. I had sharp pains down my right leg, and I thought it might be sciatica. It was so bad that I could not walk by the end of most days. I talked to my OB, and she recommended stretching and physical therapy, but I hadn’t had much relief trying it in the past. I felt desperate, and knew I had to do something or the rest of my pregnancy could be unbearable. I found Dr. Gill’s information from a discussion board on a Facebook page for mothers. I was excited to find a Chiropractor in the area who specialized in pregnancy and the Webster technique. I was nervous to be adjusted while pregnant, but Dr. Gill explains everything in great detail, and gives conservative and careful adjustments. She asks about and discusses all aspects of my health, takes careful notes, remembers my specific concerns and problems, and helps create a positive outlook for my pregnancy and overall health. I look forward to each of my adjustments. I have been seeing Dr. Gill for about two months now, and I am feeling much better. I definitely do not feel the sharp pains in my leg that I was experiencing before. I am able to go on outings with my family, add exercise to my daily routine, and pick up my 18 month old daughter without much if any pain. I am feeling much more confident and optimistic about the next few months and my ability to handle childbirth and care for a new baby. I am glad to have found Dr. Gill, and I highly recommend her to anyone – especially pregnant women – who are looking for pain relief and support!"

- Melissa B.

"Dr. Rosy Gill is hands down one of the best chiropractors I have been to! I am a pregnant labor and delivery nurse and started seeing Dr. Rosy in my first trimester for round ligament pain (that lower stretching pain we mamas get). EVERY TIME I see her I sleep so great and feel so much relief which is harder now in my third trimester. I tell all my friends, family, and patients who are pregnant to go see her. Pregnancy doesn't have to be so uncomfortable..it can be amazing and wonderful with the amazing care Dr. Rosy gives!! She even let me come in for an emergency appointment late after my shift because I was so uncomfortable! This is her passion and the care she shows her patients is unmatched! As a labor and delivery nurse I highly recommend all pregnant women to seek her out for care! Thank you Dr. Rosy!!"

- Nicole A.

"We were extremely fortunate to meet Dr. Rosy Gill at a local Chamber meeting just prior to her opening her practice in Lathrop. We exchanged contact info and committed to stay in touch. After she opened we visited and began mutually supporting each other’s business ventures. Today we’re regularly scheduled clients for weekly adjustments, as well as some other members of our family.

Dr. Rosy is warm and friendly and she greets you at the door with a great smile. She’s an encourager and addresses your pain and symptoms from a holistic perspective; diet, activity, rest, emotional well being, exercise and stretching.

Since we’ve been getting adjusted we’ve had less pain and discomfort, more mobility, and greater body self awareness. When we visit with an aggravated issue or just being out of alignment because of recent activities, Dr. Rosy brings quick relief with her keen examination and gentle touch.

Dr. Rosy has a gift and a passion for chiropractic healing, she’s attentive and fun to be with. We consider her a family friend in addition to being our doctor. We have and will continue to highly recommend her to all of our family and friends."

- Ho-Tai and Brenda Zerba

"I have suffered from migraines since I was a child (6-7 years old). My migraines typically hit me about 4 days a week and can last for upwards of 2 weeks or more. One of my Migraines hit me just 2 days before an event that I was looking forward to and I thought for sure I was going to have to cancel my plans as I knew the migraine was going to be a bad one. I called Dr. Rosy in the morning and she told me to come in to get adjusted. I was nauseous and dizzy when I went in and Dr. Rosy was completely understanding. She spent some time adjusting me and telling me what she was doing. By the time I left her office, the nausea and dizziness had lessened considerably. She scheduled me to come back in the next day and even called me the first night to check on me and make sure I was doing ok. By the next morning, things were so much better and I was able to drive myself to my appt. I left Dr. Rosy’s office feeling even better and was able to go run errands. She saw me again the day before my race and had me feeling good enough that I was able to finish the race and enjoy it! That was one of those migraines that would normally have lasted for upwards of two weeks but was cut down to days. Dr. Rosy really takes pride in her patient care and treats you as she would friends or even family. She has a real passion for helping others and you can see that in her work. She genuinely cares about others and isn’t happy until she knows your feeling better. Go see her, give her a shot, you really have nothing to lose."

- JoJo Tanguma

"Dr. Gill is amazing! I’ve been wanting to find a chiropractor near home and was so glad after I met Dr. Gill. My neck and back is finally feeling some relief for the first time in forever. Highly recommend!"

- Lisa P.

"My son had been having bad headaches since November. In December he was diagnosed with “Chronic Migraine Syndrome”. He had missed so much school and was behind in his work. The medicine he had been prescribed was not working and it had been changed, but still was not effective. When I met Dr. Gill she said she thought she could help him. I had very little experience with chiropractors and so was not convinced that she could help, but she was so kind and understanding, I decided to try.

I will never forget the look on my sons face when she adjusted his neck. It was a mixture of relief, surprise and joy. After having a near constant headache for three months, he happily announced that his headache was gone! He now has much less, intense headaches and they do not come nearly as often. He has returned to school and just recently completed his first full week with no absences. His energy level is back and he is my sweet little boy again.

Our whole family now sees Dr. Gill on a weekly basis. My older son had a spine misalignment that she corrected and his back no longer bothers him.

I will be forever grateful to Dr. Gill for giving me my little boy back and helping our whole family!"

- Theresa Lo

"Dr. Rosy is amazing!! I am 8 months pregnant with my second child and when I met her and went to see her for the first time, I had never been in so much pain, ever, not even with my first. This pregnancy was/is extremely different. I also have never been under chiropractic care. So going to see her I have to admit, I had the pre-existing notion that nothing she would do could help this pain I’m in. Boy was I wrong! After my 3rd (in a week) session with Dr. Rosy, I was able to sleep so peacefully that night and I woke up so refreshed! It was easier for me to walk up the stairs, lay on my left side, bend and pick up my 11 month old, push the grocery cart, etc etc. I’m so grateful I chose her to help care for me, my pregnancy, my lifestyle and soon to be, my children. When you’re pregnant, even the slightest relief seems like your entire world has changed. With Dr. Rosy and Gill Family Chiropractic, you’re not just receiving “the slightest relief”, you’re receiving lasting care for you’re entire body and mind.

I can’t forget to mention, she is very informative, very supportive, affordable, professional, and friendly. You can definitely trust her with your spine and you won’t regret choosing her family plan. She will educate you and align you for the healthier lifestyle you are seeking.

I’m so glad she will be there before I give birth and after I give birth to help with the trauma that my body is about to experience. Wish I had her for my first pregnancy and delivery, but I’m excited to see the difference and the change that’s to come."

- Grace Zerba


Monday - Friday
9:00am - 4:00pm


9:00am - 5:00pm

9:00am - 5:00pm

9:00am - 5:00pm

9:00am - 5:00pm

9:00am - 5:00pm

Gill Family Chiropractic
93 D'Arcy Parkway
Lathrop, CA 95330
(209) 323-0022